Day 4 Mindset Challenge: Start With Your Life Vision | Goal Getters


According to Forbes Magazine, a life vision is a big picture and has many components that make up what you want your daily life to look like. These “departments” might include: spiritual connection; family and friends; health and wellness; mental, emotional and personal growth; love and relationships; and career, finance and business.

I dare you to acknowledge your Life Vision and to embrace what you see. Follow it through daily. Do not disregard it, because if you do, it is as though you are denying who you were meant to be in this lifetime. You are also potentially disregarding your intended purpose and true gifts in life. 

"Your Life Vision is your fuel and key driver in life." 

You were not born into this world to become a passerby's and bystanders for life of our true life vision. As much as it is nice to dream of what can and could be, there is no better joy than truly embracing you, by taking action who you were meant to be in this lifetime. 

You might be tempted to disregard what you visualize for the following reasons;

  1. It is too absurd and too grand of a dream to become a reality, it is not realistic  
  2. You fear that your vision could actually become a reality 
  3. You believe your are not entitled to live such a lifestyle
  4. It is only meant for people who already have money 
  5. You don't have what it takes or the money to turn into the reality.  
My question for you is how will you ever know, if you don't start from somewhere? Your Life Vision is yours and only yours to fulfil. There is a reason, I cannot or anybody else can never truly see what you are see or where to be. 

A Life Vision also helps you with your Entrepreneurship Goals - It is your Reason Why and what you are passionate about. It also aligns with your core values and beliefs. This will then enable you to attract like for like, opportunities and people with a like-minded outlook.  

People buy into why you do it and not what you do. They buy into what you believe in - Simon Sinek 


1. First acknowledge your Life Vision by doing so you are acknowledging you and who you are meant to be/entitled to be in this life time. 

2. Believe you have what it takes no matter how long it takes (by implementing the previous steps each day from Day 1-3 everyday).

3. Seeing is believing, write down everything you see (including environment, location, who you are in the vision and how you feel). Are you happier? In the next steps will be taking about Goals

4.Can you make your Life Vision more tangible? By writing it down, so that you can see it everyday. It helps to see and feel your life vision. Start with small manageable steps for instance, if you dream about travelling or buying your own home one day. 

  • You can start to do some research about how much its costs? Write down the prices so that at least you have an idea in mind?
  • Create a vision board from cut out magazine pictures? 
  • Visit the places if you can so that you can see it and feel it?
  • Write out realistic plans and ideal deadline of when you believe you will be able to achieve your goal.
  • It is better to have something to look forward to than nothing at all. 
5. A Life Vision also becomes from fulfilling when its linked to contributing to something of value and meaningful such a good cause. 

Remain focused on your Life Vision, Purpose and Passion and become your own competitor and challenger in life. Learn more from my Life Vision Planning Course Here!  


From early childhood years, I learnt how to implement and see through visualizations from my mom. She followed through her life visions in most areas of her life. When we were younger in the U.S. we would go to open houses and visit homes we imagined living in, even through the homes were beyond our means at the time. What remained with me throughout was the concept of seeing and feeling believing in something. Despite minimal or lack of financial resource, I learnt how to innately believe in something. The experience itself of visiting and seeing new homes, brought this inner sense of joy, fulfillment and an optimistic outlook. We had tangible goals to look forward to. 

Simply what similar experiences taught me was that when you set your heart and mind on fulfilling your vision, you can achieve it, regardless of how it takes. Back then it was a different time before Social Media and a time when people believed in working for their dreams and less on instantaneous results. 

To end, believe you can and you will eventually achieve the results you are looking are looking for, even if not immediate. What matters most is that you are taking small achievable goals everyday which propels you towards a future to look forward to.  


1. Find Your Why: A Practical Guide for Discovering Purpose for You and Your Team by Simon Sinek 
2. Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire to Take Action by Simon Sinek 
3. Checkout My Amazon Store Herefor the latest Journals and Planners recommended products 
4. Checkout Recommended Entrepreneurship and Mindset Books Here! 
5. Goal Setting Template Package
6. Access Online Home Business Educational Resources Here

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