Join me on my latest UK Lockdown Vlog Post and Motivational Monday Post, as I venture out for a brief walk in the park. It has been a few weeks, since I last ventured out for a leisurely activity. I am week two of thankfully being symptoms free from coronavirus related symptoms. It was definitely a life challenging and changing experience. A health challenge which has made me stronger. I was not willing for it break me mentally or physically, I chose to fight it every step of the way, even though my future was uncertain. It was the second or third time, whereby I have been challenged to consider and think about my mortality. I will be exploring this topic in future vlog posts via my youtube channel.

I've decided during the current U.K. Lockdown to record weekly vlogs on Lifestyle Matters concerning the current pandemic; focusing on what is currently going on and future outlook. 

Like most of us, the pandemic has changed my outlook including going out. Life is not as relaxed as it used to be before. I have become more mindful of my daily interactions from going out to how I receiving deliveries. More mindful about what and who I come into contact with; to minimise any potential risk of being infected again. 

I have become more mindful of my interaction when I am out and about. To be honest in the beginning, I was overly cautious about going out. As time has gone on and it is much warmer outside, I have become more mentally relaxed. In terms of feeling more confident in not having to wear a mask all the time. Even though, I still ensure to carry something with me, just in case I still need to use it. I am still staying away from shops and accessing my local community for leisurely activities only, in order to minimise any further exposure to being potentially infected by coronavirus. I am very mindful of sanitization in terms of what I touch and come into contact with. This is unlikely to change as I have always been cautious when out in public. The most significant change for me has been contactless deliveries and not avoiding immediate contact with delivered goods. I now have new system in place, of sanitizing all goods. Including a sanitisation process for when I come back indoors. 

1. Has your lifestyle changed for the better? 
2. Are you finding it a challenge to mentally and physically adjust?
3. What do you believe would help you to adjust? 

This topic matter stemmed from a podcast I was listening to by Rob Dial, the Mindset Mentor. I agree and resonate with this topic and believe that globally we are going through a major lessons learnt process. It is a process which has tested most of us and will continue to do for months, or several years to come.

Our future as we know it will never be the same

In the past, you might have been used to having time to adjust change? Unlike the current pandemic which has flipped everything upside down, without enabling most of us the time to mentally and physically adjust to its life challenging and changing impact.

The major lesson here, is whether you continue to hold onto to the "WHY ME,"

  • Why is this happening to me right now?
  • Why am I being affected type of questions.
  • You might be understandably so, fearful, frustrated, annoyed, angry and saddened by the whole experience.
  • Or you can choose to opt to learn and grow from the experience by choosing a positive and constructive way to move forward. Although it is not easy, you can still choose ways which will prepare and benefit you in the near future. Also meaningful ways which will prepare you to be prepared for another eventuality and life challenging stormy current; whether it be the another pandemic wave, or something completely different.

Initially it can be very challenging to accept and adapt to change. You may go through the grieving process and steps; such as denial, anger, frustration and eventually reach a point of acceptance. There is not right, or wrong approach. Nor an easy fast solution in how you  embrace this current going forward. 

Those with growth and continuous self-development mindsets  may find it easier to adapt to change, no matter what life throws at them. 
What counts the most is being awake right now to your given life changing circumstance. Being awake to how long you choose to remain in a given state. If you find that you are no longer being positively fulfilled with your current circumstance, you have the opportunity to change it for the better. 

It is also worth being awake to the types of energies you surround yourself with during this current pandemic. As the saying goes, misery loves company. You may find yourself with groups of people who resonate with your emotional experience, who are happy to remain in a given state, which in the long term may not serve you best. Although it is helpful to resonate with people who feel the same, sometimes shared collective experiences can immobilize you adversely. To the point that you remain drained and emotionally driven, by negative shared experiences. 

You can choose to opt out and surround yourself with positive outlooking energies, which will help to you reach your goals and outcomes in life. Keeping in mind that it is also beneficial to protect your mental and physical well-being.

Always remember that "What Breaks You, Will Make You Stronger," eventually. Even if you do not immediately see the life lesson that is being presented in front you, be patient with yourself. Eventually, through being open to growth and personal development you will see the lesson and grow through it. 

You have the will power to shift your mental and physical outlook in how you embrace change. You do not always have to let change take control. You have the willpower to be in the driving seat of your own life. 

Keen to know your thoughts on this topic and your experience.

Feel free to leave a comment below also to connect with me via Instagram Here! 
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The Subject Matter was inspired by Rob Dial, The Mindset Mentor 
Learn more about his Podcast Here! 

