Revealed: The Secrets our Clients Used to Earn $3 Billion

  1. What sets you apart from others? 
  2. What special qualities, skills or interest do you have?

The above questions can be useful in helping you to personalise your brand personality. As well as in being more specific about your identity as a Creative Entrepreneur and Digital Nomad. Without doing so, you could make your Digital Nomad Online Venture much harder and end up creating content with no precision in mind, on who you want to connect with (or who your ideal audience and client is).

By answering the question about what your special qualities, skills and interest are. You are making your entrepreneurship journey much easier in terms attraction marketing.
  • People want to connect with people
  •  People want to know who the brand personality is behind the images and posts
  • People connect with personalities, which include personal identity including cultural backgrounds, interests and lifestyle hobbies
For instance, they do not put enough effort into responding to comments on their tread. Remember that Social Media is about your core value, this also includes how well you engage mutually with others. If you do not invest in the same amount of effort in reciprocating communication, the likelihood is that people will not want to mutually invest in you.
  • Life Vision and Purpose
  • Creative talent or personal skills
  • Lifestyle Hobbies
  • Personality identity which will connect you to certain communities
  • What sort of problems do you solve easily, which to others struggle with.  This will help you to create something you are purposefully passionate about doing. 

Creating a personal brand is similar to going for an interview whereby you have to sell who you are as a person. This is not always an easy answer for most to respond to. Reason being is that if you are brought in a stringent education and career background, the first thing that’s most likely to come to mind for you when you answer this question will be what your qualifications are. Rather than what your personal fun qualities are.

At the end of the day, regardless of whether you are starting your own online venture or applying for an online opportunity; first impressions count. Most people will remember the visual and your personality. On how you are most likely to connect with their core values and beliefs. Rather than your qualifications.

It helps to be more strategically specific as part of your Life Vision Planning Process; so that you are clear on what your ultimate life purpose and goals are in life. Including success life goals, which you are intuitively connected with, which motivate you to contribute to greater causes in life.

Money as we have seen over the years, and more so now, is not the true definition of success or who you become as a person. People are most likely to remember you, for who you are (your personality) and how you contributed based on qualities, personal skills and interests.
If you do not connect authentically with people inclusive of your personality; you are most likely to lose their interest along the way. They will not resonate with the message you have to share, even if its genuine.

Now more than ever is a great opportunity to sit down and review your true Life Vision and Purpose. It is a moment to pause from the hustle and bustle of life to re-evaluate what you stand for and look forward to contributing to. Which will make a greater impact and purpose, in terms of your fulfilment in life. This is especially if you disliked your job, where coasting along in life without a sense of purpose. 

What is it that you genuinely want to be able to do and contribute to going forward? Life is too short to not live a fulfilled and purposeful life.

I often see people online asking questions about how they can increase their following or engagement online. When I review their Social Media accounts, what stands out most for some of them is their lack of mutual engagement.

Your Social Media Profiles define who you are in terms of your special qualifies, skills and interests. If people do not these and what you represent; they are most likely to not feel as connected. Also remember that it takes time and effort to build trusting relationships.

I will leave you with the questions above: What sets you apart from others? What special qualities, unique personality skills and interest do you have?

Rather than thinking of your qualifications, the questions below may help you to consider another option or responding to this question. You will be surprised how much more you will shine and exude when you speak from the heart.
Attraction Marketing: Your personality and identity is what will ultimately enable you to be feel more confident in your creative abilities. To standout without needing to compare yourself to others.

The question above is credit to EdX Online Harvard and MIT Online Courses, I am in the process of refreshing my Marketing Skills and this question popped as the most significant question to consider. This especially after encountering other Digital Nomads online who are seeking to improve their Social Media Engagement Online. I hope my perspective following the questions has given you some insight, which can hopefully help you in refining your Creative Entrepreneurship and Digital Nomad proposition value offer.

If you need more support in being able to identify your Life Visions and Goals, checkout my online “Start Your Online Business with a Clear Life Vision. This course is also helpful for Creative Entrepreneur and Digital Nomad, seeking to gain more Online Paid Opportunities. I also provide Group Mentorship Support via my Facebook Group Community. Learn More and Register Here! 

Useful Sources for Educational Information

  1. EdX Online Harvard and MIT Online 
  2. Udemy 
  3. Alison Online Course 
  4. Amazon Audible Books 
  5. Google Adswords Certification Course 
  6. Facebook Ads Certification Course 
7. Clickbank for Affiliate Marketing Course
Copywriting Course- This course teaches 77 tips for writing successful copy! Taught by our own copywriter who has sold over $100M! Use this tripwire in your email sequence (Click on the trip wires section on for email swipes!)
 Learn more here! 

Customer Research Course -This course teaches how to research a market and choose a niche proven to convert! Use this tripwire in your email sequence. (Click on the trip wires section on for email swipes!) 
Learn more here! 

YouTube AdsCourse - This course teaches YouTube paid advertising. Great for anyone wanting to learn about driving traffic! Use this tripwire in your email sequence. (Click on the trip wires section on for email swipes!)
Learn more here!   

Jobs Sources for Apprenticeships

