Discover why it essential to implement Content Branding for your Online Business?

"Branded content is designed to build awareness for a brand by associating it with content that shares its values. The content does not necessarily need to be a promotion for the brand, although it may still include product placement." - Wikepedia
If you have not started yet in designing branded content for your Niche Market, you could potentially be missing out on raising further awareness about who you are, what you stand for and how you can help your prospective client's, Niche Market.
Remember that nowadays it is much easier to make your content evergreen, for future potential clients to access. Branded Content helps you leave a trail of evidence and skills portfolio for others who might be interested in your products/or services to assess and review further. To reach their own conclusion as to whether they want to opt-in into your offer based on the value you have shared.
This also makes it easier for you to develop attraction marketing mechanism, instead of chasing people, they would come to you.

Are you maximising on the opportunity of Content Branding?

Are you maximising on the opportunity and benefits of Content Creation, as an opportunity to reach a wider professional network, audience, as a means to connect with new prospective clients? If you haven't started to share content on a regular basis it's not too late and it could be the next best opportunity for you to progress your Online Business further.

Is Your Branding Message Consistent?

Every time you post on platforms such as Linkedin and Social Media Platforms do you consider whether your message is consistent across all social and professional mediums?
If your message is inconsistent it could potentially become more of a challenge for your potential and ideal clients, to see the value in what you have to offer.

Tips on how to get started

  • Start with your Why: Why is it essential or important for you to share content? What is your vision and intended purpose?
  • Who would you ideally like to connect with your content? Do you have an ideal Client/Customer Avatar in Mind? Have you outlined their persona and characteristics?
  • What is the solution you would like to be able to offer them?
  • How will they benefit from what you share?

5. Strategic Content Brading Tools

  • You will need an outline and plan of your Content Strategy
  • A schedule, weekly or monthly of the types of content you want to share. You can use scheduling tools such as Buffer and Hootsuite to help you create posts in advance.
  • An Automated Customer Acquisition Process such as Landing Pages and Email Marketing to enable you to map a customer journey.
The following Done For You Content Branding tools which I use for myself could potentially help you in outlining a Content Planning Strategy. It helps to have a clear vision and content outline which is planned in advance. This is so that every time you post, you have already considered who you will be communicating with, as your ideal client. Including having the awareness already of the type of solutions, your ideal clients are looking for. Access Your Own Templates Here to help you get started.
Something to keep in mind, when you communicate to everyone, you communicate to no one. Not everyone is going to be your ideal client.

Where to Draw Inspiration from for New Content?

  • Start from what you already know, what you have learnt so far. There will always be someone/other people who do not already know what you know.
  • Make learning and development a new lifestyle hobby, focusing on learning fro, topics you are passionate about. So that you can impart the key lessons you have learnt. The more you share, the more skilled you become as you are most likely to retain information more through implementation. As opposed to being a lifetime students.
  • Access 1-5 Podcasts with different business themes. Including Audio Books and Youtube as go-to educational sources to learn from. As well as Online Magazines in your Niche Market to learn and draw inspiration from.
  • Follow 1-5 Influencers in your Niche Market to discover more from their audience the types of solutions they are looking for.
  • Attend Professional Networking Events and focus on taking away, key content you will implement and educate others on. Don't get caught up in becoming a full-time minute taker, as you could miss out on social interactions and observing/learning from the speakers.

#contentmarketing #branding

