How To Create Content You Are Passionate About | Digital and Creative Entrepreneurs

Part of being a Content Creator is choosing a Niche Market one is intuitively passionate about. It comes from an internal natural desire to share educational information for the benefit of helping others and contributing to greater causes beyond oneself. It is linked to what motivates and inspires you to get out of bed everyday; your Reason Why (Life vision) and intended purpose in life. Creating content that one is passionate about also comes through visualization of what you ideally want to see and feel in the world. 

Some of us are gifted with natural creative talents from childhood and follow through will fulfilling life passions into adulthood. Some of us get sidetracked along the way, due to personal and professional commitments and obligations. Other people require support to discover what they are truly passionate about.

My personal experience resembles millions of other creative people, who either lose that sense of creativity as they grow order due to life's disruptions; for example feeling compelled to follow the traditional path of education and work life. Or they do not realize that they are gifted, due to self-limiting beliefs which used my case. 

The Digital World has disrupted the patterns of the daily norms and encouraged more people to start fearlessly embracing their creativity without limitations. To start believing that it is possible to earn income through their life passions, including content creation. 

The current challenge in the digital realm is influencer marketing, where most people are misguided and drawn to the "false perception of fame" which comes with being a creator. Misguided in a sense that when most people see creators who have become successful through their gifts and talents, they feel can equally achieve the same results. 

They idealize the finished product, rather than the behind the scenes messy work and  effort it takes creators to successfully actualize one's goals. They also do not that most creative people are living life purposefully and intentionally through their life purpose and vision goals.  

This false sense of reality is what makes it harder for some Aspiring Content Creators to maintain their individuality and to remain in the Creator Industry. There is also the current "follow trends cultures," which makes it harder for some individuals to fearlessly standout from the masses and to be unique. As a result of these industry and mindset challenges, some individuals may start to feel as though they are failing or have failed. When in reality, they did not invest sufficient time in discovering what they are truly passionate about and got carried away in trying too hard to become successful (to be liked by others).

The source for passionate and purposeful creativity starts from within. It is something that is not forced, or hard work. It is not something that is influenced by other people; in terms of who and how you should be as creator.

How do you Create Content you are passionate about? 

Lessons Learnt: 

  • Trends only last for a second and do not remain forever. The only constant entity and source of passion and creativity is you. Focus on drawing and sourcing your passions through internal self-awareness. This is what will help you transcend through the ever changing Social and Digital Media trends. 
  • Draw the inspiration for your content from what you intuitively connect with on a day to day basis by being present and aware of your surroundings/ environment and other people. By being self-aware and present in the moments, you start to appreciate life's true meaning and value including  people. You start to see the value in the your gifts and talents, which you may not have paid full attention before due to being caught up in the busyness of life. 
"Slow down in order to speed up and enjoy 
a smooth ride going forward" 
  • Invest time in continuous personal development. Mainly focusing on understanding self-limiting beliefs and self-sabotage tendencies; mindset habits, which often hold you back from freely being able to express yourself. This will help you to start to fearlessly challenging your beliefs, in order to overcome them and to start creating content you are passionate about. 
  • Be willing to invest time in continuous professional learning and development. The more you learn the more you grow and can start to identify what you are passionate about.  Education you enjoy, opens up mindset opportunities for creativity and critical thinking. This includes learning from people who have achieved similar creative goals, you are aspiring to achieve.  
  • Explore environments you often visualize being in, in order to connect authentically with what you visualize - if you can see, feel it, you can create or actualize your greatest potential in the long run. These environment and spaces can help mold and shape you into becoming the creator you desire to be. There part of the reason, Digital Nomads flock together as they realize remaining in similar work life patterns won't enable them to disrupt "normality."
  • Develop social listening skills by being in environments, where like-minds and ideal prospective clients are most likely to hangout offline and online. These are the spaces which can enable you to learn what problems/challenges people are facing. To genuinely connect with people on authentic humanistic level without feeling the need to sell Moreover, provide insight into creative solutions you can provide to address problems people are challenged by. These are also great spaces for receiving feedback on what is working well or requires further improvement. 
  • Remain authentic and connected you (your core values) and to greater causes beyond you. Steer away mindset wise from yearning for immediate satisfaction; i.e. basing your source of happiness and fulfilment from external influencing factors and financial gains. 
Last but not least, content creation should be an enjoyable and fun activity, the moment it becomes hard work and feels like a grueling punishment, is the moment the passion within you starts to die. 

Food For Thought & Questions to Consider; 

1.  Looking back what sort of hobbies and leisurely activities did you enjoy the most as a child? 

3. What were you passionate about which came naturally to you? Something you did easily without resistance? 

4. What did people often complement you on, and now? Something they noticed naturally did well or helped them with? 

5. What do you often visualize yourself often doing, or becoming but hold back due to self-limiting beliefs and personal commitments (i.e. work life challenges)? What do you believe your gifts and talents are right now? 

6. Five years from now, what do visualize yourself achieving? If you do nothing from now onwards, how do you visualize yourself five years from now feeling? 

Note: Your Reason Why (Life Vision) and Purpose, is what will keep you persevering through all the trials and tribulations of being a content creator and coming up with ideas of what you are passionate about. It is what will help you to be unique and to fearlessly stand out from the masses. 
When you love what you do, you feel more fulfilled/happier and become less distracted by external negative influencing factors.

My Personal Story
How I Discovered My Passion For Digital Content Creation

Looking back, I can connect my creative passion back to childhood. Intuitively, as a child, I was drawn to hobbies such as photography, videography and creative writing. Doing something creative was a mindset escape or fun activity for me. I kept numerous diaries/journals, photos/videos into late twenties before progressing on to digital content creation (vlogging/blogging). This was all before the Social and Digital Media craze. My gut instinct often nudged me to slowdown, to stop and pay attention to seeing through my visualizations. My gut instinct and vision compelled me to capture moments during in the present when I felt them and not to miss the opportunity (live with minimal regret going forward). 

Unfortunately, I did not realize at the time that these intuitive and visualization moments were part of creative thought processes. Nor did I share what I was passionate about with anyone, or credit myself for being a creative person. Eventually, I replaced my creative hobbies for ordinary unfulfilling education and work life as most of us do. 

Given the opportunity, I would have attended schools, which harnessed creativity and supported creative career paths. 

Leaving a fast paced lifestyle in London for a quieter seaside and countryside lifestyle was the best decision I ever made. It enabled me to have more time freedom and to reconnect with my life vision and passion for content creation. I also started to let go off self-limiting beliefs such as the protective shield of perfectionism, self-sabotage and fear of failure and about what other people might think. 

Even though I am still my worst critic at times, I do not focus too long on perfecting my content (i.e. ensuring everything is perfect before publication), or worrying what people will think. I stopping waiting for approval and validation from others. 

To end, I am more invested in sharing my thoughts, what/who inspires me most and how to help others. 

Educational Resources: 

#contentcreator #contentioncreation

