How To Maximize On Simplicity & Not Complexity | Creative Entrepreneurship Mindset Matters

 “Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.” – Confucius

Life indeed is so simple, but often we can complicate matters due to external social and professional pressures/demands. In this blog post, I will be sharing with you why it is better as a Creative Entrepreneur, Digital Nomad or Small Business Owner to maximize on simplicity rather than complexity when it comes to executing your goals. 

Questions for you to consider first: 

  1. How often do you focus on complex matters rather than simple solutions? 
  2. How often do you focus on the complex matters (i.e. projects, solutions) as an avoidance or self-sabotage issue? 
  3. During the time when you are focusing on complex methods and processes of doing things, what are you potentially holding yourself back from achieving, or actualizing? 

Reason why you might be focusing on complexity than simplicity in your creative entrepreneurship venture: 
  • Perfectionist Tendencies which may hold you back from releasing your creative ideas, or projects until completed to perfection?
  • Self-Sabotage: You feel that you need the next best tech object, or solution before you can step out and stand out in your Niche Market. For instance, the belief that the latest digital gadgets (i.e. recording lights, camera, microphone, or the next best phone) will help make you more successful? You do everything in your means to self-sabotage new opportunities which could help you actualize your goals due to fear. 
  • You use complex languages, or approaches as a shield between you and others; with the hopes that this might minimize people from getting to know who you truly are. Reason being is that if they knew who you truly were, you might be considered a fraud? Only this prevents you from achieving the goals you want to achieve. 
  • Procrastination: You need more time, or money before you can take the next step into actualizing your entrepreneurship goals? As a result of this limitation, you don't do anything. You remain in the state of thinking about what you can potentially achieve, if only you had more time or money? 
  • You do everything in your power to focus on complex things, when you know innately the easy solution. The easier solutions means more exposure, responsibility and its something which overwhelms you thinking about it. You ultimately, choose to make your life more complex as this stalls on time and steers you away from what you fear most? 

The truth of the matter is this. . .

1. You might be stuck unknowingly in self-limiting tendencies due to inherited beliefs. You will find that as much as some of your behavioral patterns infuriate you, there is still safety in the sticking to the familiar patterns. You may feel safer being stuck in self-criticism and overthinking circle, rather than having to challenging yourself to confront your fears. 

The truth of the matter is that it takes practice and support to unlearn habits, which make life more complex for yourself to push through and beyond Self-Limiting Beliefs

2. You may more comfortable in making life more complex for yourself as it feels safer and familiar, rather than challenging yourself to follow the simpler route. Following the simpler route means making things a reality for yourself- only you may limit yourself due to fear, overwhelm of responsibility and potential "failure." 

3. Everything you do to procrastinate or spend time perfecting is often not noticeable to other people (i.e. your prospective clients). They do not see similar imperfections you see. Their focus is mostly on the solution you can offer, more than how perfect something is you are presenting to them. 

4. You may lose some people in your complexity, as all the want is just simple language on how best they can solve something. You may come across as being untouchable, too perfect which in their eyes is unrealistic for them to achieve as they can't compare to their own life. 

Lessons Learnt

  • Learn to learn go and intuitively produce the work you need produce in the moment of genius. Trust your zone of genius and creativity and by letting go off making things complex, keep it simple. You are most likely to authentically connect more with people who understand your message when you keep things simple, your guard is most likely to be down as well. Complexity, can times put barriers between you and the people you want to connect with.
  • Release your Digital Projects as an opportunity to test them out in the market. The great thing about providing Digital Products is that they are evergreen products which you can refine with changing times to fit the current market trends/needs.
  • What energizes you most? Focus on that and disregard what depletes your energy for now.
  • Focus mostly on what will produce the best results. For instance, what you often visualize achieving in your vision, but hold back (procrastinate) due to self-sabotage tendencies.
  • Embrace technology and automated systems, which work on your behalf. Let go off the fear of how much something is going to cost and focus on how much you will gain because of being more productive.
  • Outsources if overwhelmed and not able to complete complex tasks. This will enable you to focus and strengthen on preexisting skills which work in your favor. 
  • Intentionally focus complex approaches may delay your business processes/goals and impede on you being able to obtain new opportunities. If you are not out there, you don't exist due to short attention span people have nowadays. It is better to show up through your imperfections rather than not to show up at all.  
  • Choosing simple ways of going things does not take away your intellect, it just shows how you work smarter not harder. You are most likely to be connect to you authentically more as well when you choose the path of least resistance.
Look at complexity as your comfort zone and blanket, prevents you from moving forward. Whereas  simplicity is intuitive and genius zone; where you easily achieve the goals you set your heart and mind to. 

How will you step out and step up more to embrace the simpler things in life, which work in your favor? 

