Dreaming About Creating A Digital Product and/or Service? – Don’t wait!

Laptop by the beach

Have you been dreaming about creating your ideal Creative Digital Product and/or Service (i.e., online course, or Book)? – Don’t wait!  Start Now (Life is too short). If there is anything that the pandemic has shown us over the past couple of years is that life is too short and the future can be unpredictable. 

"Anything can go away. There's no such thing as safety and security. You can do things that give you the illusion of safety and security, but there's really no such thing," -Will Smith 

If there is anything that life has taught me, yet again through loss over the past couple of weeks, is that life is definitely too short to not live it, according to your own terms. There will never be a perfect time, or moment to start. Have you ever waited for the right time and by the time you were ready, something else came up which obstructed your intended goals? This is the reason there is never the perfect moment.

"The seduction of safety is always more dangerous than the illusion of uncertainty."- Robin Sharma 

 Take the leap today and start today! 

Take The Leap, Entrepreneurship Goals

Embrace (your fears and creativity) by taking the leap into the unknown. You will thank yourself later for having the courage in either confronting your fears or overcoming self-sabotage tendencies. Where you gave the yourself the opportunity to be truly honest with yourself through self-awareness, to step up and take accountability. 

In order to be able to take the first step into actualizing your creativity and life visions goals, it helps to start letting go of the following;

  • FEAR of failure and expectations of successful outcome
  • Other people’s perception of you
  • Perfectionist tendencies
  • The best time/moment to start (it never arrives)
  •  Lack of mindset - i.e., lack of time, money, or skills
  • Start with what the resources you already have and information you are already aware of.

It helps to create and implement small daily achievable and realistic goals. As what may prevent you from getting started in the first place is the vision of having to achieve all your goals at once. Or the fear of failing before you have even started. 

Small steps do unlock unforeseen potential and possibilities, rather inaction.  

The best feel-good rewards;

  • Increased confidence due to following your intuitive and creative drive.
  •  Being able to let go off fear and uncertainty.
  •  Living with minimal regret by having lived through your Life Vision.
  • You unlock potential and possibility for successful outcomes (even if not immediate).
  • Being able to create an evergreen Digital Product, that will be around for years to come.
  • Knowing that during challenging times of the pandemic, you had the opportunity to use some of your spare time to create a product, which can potentially provide solutions for your ideal prospective clients in the short or long term. 

The best thing about being creating a digital product is that it is evergreen –you have the opportunity to review/update it anytime. This then enable you to for the opportunity to let go off perfectionist tendencies. 

How can you start actualizing your Online Digital Product/Service Goals?

  • Start with an end goal in mind- note down what you visualize achieving including any associated emotions of achievement. 
  • Breakdown your goals in small daily achievable, realistic and timely goals.
  • Note down creative light bulb moments/ideas on Notes Phone App, or Post It Notes, so that you do not forget to capture most creative ideas. 
  • Start outlining your course or product on word template, so that at least it is out of mind and on paper. Writing down your creative thoughts can also help spark other ideas. It is helpful break  down content into sections/titles and to set daily targets of how many sections you will complete per day/per week. Writing down your content will also help you to easily transfer the information to digital online course platforms.
  • Test out your course/service with a few people in the your Niche Market (Online and Offline Community) by offering it as a Free Product in exchange for reviews. 

To end, if you are worried about startup costs. You can start promoting your course or service on free platforms such as Social Media or Online Course Education Platforms such as the following;  

1. Udemy has a Support Team who assist with queries you may, they review your videos before they are published and they also have a Teaching Center where you can access resources to help you through the process of getting started. 

2. Teachable - also offers you the opportunity to create online course for FREE as a start off, there is also the opportunity to create Memberships, Subscriptions Communities with LearnWorlds. 

3. Amazon Kindle Publishing - offers you the opportunity to independently a self-publisher.

All of the above resources enable you to start off FREE and charge a small percentage of income earned from your digital products. It gives you the opportunity to not worry about financial limitations, as you are accessing easily accessible systems which can ultimately enable you to earn income.

To end, I hope you will agree with me that it is better to have lived through an experience (your Life Vison), rather than not? Most important of all, what matters is that you would have had the opportunity to share your creativity, your story and connected with people who you want to help/support; in terms of adding a meaningful educational social and community value. 

Educational Resources: 

