Day 21 (Mindset Challenge): "It Takes 21 Days to Make (Or Break) A Habit?"

It takes approximately 21 days to make or break a new habit, when it comes to minds and behaviors. A good reference book is by "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People," by Stephen Covey.

When you implement daily routines into smaller, realistic and achievable goals, you gradually overtime start to see changes. More so, when you are consistent with your habits. 

The toughest challenge is your mindset, and you also have to be willing and open to the change and in making yourself accountable. 

Overtime, your daily routines will compound into being able to achieve greater goals. Your life going forward become mentally much easier as you continually challenge yourself to start overcoming self-limiting beliefs and self-sabotage. A good reference books the "Compound Effect," by Darren Hardy and "10X," Rule by Grant Cardone

Breaking into new habits, helps to improve your well-being as well; mindset wise, or physically. This is all depending on the challenge you choose to embrace. In terms of mindset, you start to develop confidence and self-belief in the ability to achieve intended life vision goals regardless of your personal circumstances and external influences. 

Self-Limiting Beliefs Review

By now you, I hope as result of going through my 21 Day Mindset Challenge  you  have had the opportunity to gain more awareness about your self-limiting beliefs which held you back from excelling further? You challenged yourself to start overcoming your self-limiting beliefs? 

You would have been practicing daily gratitude and affirmations from day 1 of this mindset challenge to help you in overcoming some of your self-limiting beliefs. 

1. What have you discovered about yourself so far?

2. What sort of self-limiting beliefs were hold you are? Or are still holding you back?

3. Going forward how can you challenge yourself to start overcoming self-limiting beliefs? 

Lessons Learnt: 

  • Self-awareness (quietening the mind) and being open to change is key, especially if you want to break habits which you leave you feeling stuck, trapped and in vicious circles of your life not progressing forward. 
  • Moreover, moving beyond just setting yearly goals only for the goals to gather dust. When you set daily consistent habits, this becomes your lifestyle. You do not need a yearly calendar to remind you. You live in your best sense of self (through self-awareness).  
  • Practicing daily affirmations, gratitude and valuing life in the present helps, it is worthwhile and will pay off in the long term.
  • Start with an end in mind, and plan by implementing SMART Goals, so that you are able to purposefully achieve realistic goals, which are aligned with your Life Vision
  • Tools which help, visual notes/boards/planners which you see everyday as a reminder to help prompt and guide you into becoming your best self. Including setting automated notifications and reminders (calendar and phone alarms) until you are able to do something without even thinking about it. 
Lastly, remember that it takes 21 days and beyond to adapt a new habit.


  • Access my Amazon Store Here to access recommended Mindset and Entrepreneurship Course 

