Self-Love and Self-Care Mindset Matters 2020 | @Tiktok Compilation

How will you continue to factor in Self-Love and Self-Care in 2021, when it comes to looking after your overall well-being as a Entrepreneur? 

Lessons Learnt: 

1. Self-love and Self-care are both essential well-being components which help in sustaining your Entrepreneurship venture. As the saying goes, your health is your greatest wealth. 

2. If is okay to say no to opportunities which do not service you well, in the best interest of your well-being. 

3. You matter most of all, if you need to take a break, listen to your mental and physical well-being. Taking regular breaks helps to rejuvenate your creativity. 

4.  Learn to let go off guilt especially when it comes to the need to show up for others, for instance social media. Create a manageable balance, so that you are able to mentally and physically sustain your well-being whilst minimizing overwhelm and burnout. 

5. It is always worth re-evaluating personal and professional relationships on a regular basis, to determine whether they are mutually beneficial and healthy relationships. 

  • Are your current relationship benefiting you and serving your best interest as well?
  • Are there some relationships which you need to disconnect from, especially if the relationships are toxic or depleting your energy resources? 
  • Are you surrounded by people who mutually challenge you, to become your best version?
To end, there is nothing wrong with focusing on your own self-care and self-love especially it means you are doing it to sustain your well-being and to be able to continue to greater purposes in life, which are in line with your life vision and purpose. It is not being selfish, it is about continuous self development. 


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