DAY 8: Mindset Challenge : Who Will Support You To Achieve Your Goals? | Goal Getters

"No man or woman is an island." who will support you through all your seasons of trials and tribulations. It is essential to surround yourself with people who will support your creative ideas, no matter how crazy it might sound to them. People who believe in your ideal and vision, because they know what you have got what it takes. Individuals who not disappear when things are not working out, only to repair when you are doing well.

It can be lonely at the top: 

“Loneliness is as strong a risk factor for illness and death as smoking, obesity, and high blood pressure,” - Steve Rose

Ever heard of the saying you can pour from an empty cup? Who equally fills up your cup when you need it and supports you when you feel emotionally drained and as though your ideas are not going to work? Regardless of how strong and independent you appear to be, it is still beneficial to have people around who will ask you, how you are and how you are day is going. People who will understand that no matter how well put together you appear that you are still a human being, who mutually requires the same compassion, empathy and understanding that you pour out. 

Equally is it important to surround yourself with achievers, people who have already accomplished the results you are looking to achieve. This makes your entrepreneurship journey going forward much easier.

It is okay to say no to support which does not align with your Life Vision and Purpose. If you don't feel instinctively that if is the right support, then trust your gut intuition. 


1. Who can support you to ignite your creative genius, as well as in overcoming self-limiting beliefs? 

2. Who can you collaborate with? Identify identify individuals who are skilled and achieved similar goals. Also individuals who are skilled in other areas which can complement your creative entrepreneurship skills. 


1. Mentorship and Coaching Support these are people who have overcome similar challenges and become experts in their field. Specialist individuals who can support you to challenge and empower you to remain motivated, inspired and consistent in achieving your goals. 

2. Mutually beneficial friendships and Peer Support with similar outlooking mindsets, whereby you can challenge each other through all your trials and tribulations. The type of friendship who will support your ideas regardless of how crazy it may sound to them. 

Where you help to fill and refuel each others creativity. Peer support also helps to you have an independent non-judgement support, where you feel less isolated and reassured that it is possible to achieve your goals. 

3. Listening/watching Self-Development and Entrepreneurship Educational will also help you to remain motivated and consistent in achieving your goals. 

4. Social and Professional Networks where you can grow your network which will help you to improve and test out your entrepreneurship skills. A network of people who you can also collaborate with on ideas you have. 


1. Five Minutes in the Evening: A Journal for Rest and Reflection

2. The 5-Minute Happiness Journal Prompts To Help You Tap Into Joy Every Day: Daily Planner And Scheduling Notebook For Organizing Work, Positivity Journal For Better Mental Wellness

3.  Canvas One Line a Day: A Five-Year Memory Journal Diary

4. Undated Weekly Planner - Arcobis Achieve Goals & Boost Productivity, Happiness& Gratitude Journal Personal Organizer Planner - Daily Weekly Monthly Planner with Notebook, Stickers,Hardcover (Blue)

5. Legend Planner - Deluxe Weekly & Monthly Life Planner to Hit Your Goals & Live Happier. Organizer Notebook & Productivity Journal. A5 Hardcover, Undated - Start Any Time - Purple


1. Find Your Why: A Practical Guide for Discovering Purpose for You and Your Team by Simon Sinek 
2. Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire to Take Action by Simon Sinek 
3. Checkout My Amazon Store Herefor the latest Journals and Planners recommended products 
4. Checkout Recommended Entrepreneurship and Mindset Books Here! 
5. Goal Setting Template Package
6. Access Online Home Business Educational Resources Here

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