My whole philosophy is working smarter and not harder. And making sure I'm using little effort and getting a huge effect.Anthony Pettis

Work Smarter Not Harder there is the misconception and belief that the harder you work, the more results you achieve. which is not 100% accurate. Being busy for the sake of being busy, does not necessary produce the best results and outcomes. Working harder can leave you with the feeling unfilled, stressed, and anxious. Whilst on the hand focusing on achieving smarter goals make you feel happier, confident, and more fulfilled in life.

Have you ever found yourself being caught up/stuck in completing daily operational and mundane tasks to feel as though you have not achieved anything at the end of day? This is mostly due to diverting your attention away from intended beneficial goals. Goals which will enable you to achieve better outcomes along with income.

Being busy does not necessarily mean you are achieving realistic, achievable, and tangible goals.



1.   1. Focus on long term goals rather than shortsighted results, such as how many followers or likes you have.  Consider what will be more worthwhile and valuable in a few years, between for instance social media likes/follows and the quality of your content? Nowadays, most Social Media Content Creators (“Influencers”) become easily frustrated by focusing on shortsighted goals, which are linked to being liked by their followers rather than creating valuable content.

2. Focus on building something tangible and meaningful in the long term such as intellectual property (digital products) or physical products. Products and services with a digital and automated footprint. So that you can earn passive income for many more years to come.

3.  3. Set Daily Timed Routines where you can dedicate and invest your time in focusing on specific projects and task which link to your grander goals.

4.  4. Select suitable times when you are most effective and creative, to focus on producing products and services, which you would normally avoid doing due to many other reasons and excuses. Suitable times where you know you are at your peak performance, attentive and will product results.  

5.  5. Block Your Calendar Off to enable you to plan the time you will invest in focusing on your income producing tasks with minimal disruption.

Tools: You can use your Phone App Tools such as Tasks and Calendar Tools, including Calendar App with alerts and notifications.

6.  6. Break down your grander goal into smaller daily achievable tasks this will enable you to more in control of your goals and less overwhelmed. Be specific about the actual task and always plan with a long-term in mind. 

7.  7. Measure Your Results – You can also include measuring your mindset in terms of your habits. For instance, how consistent you are becoming and mindset obstacles you have overcome. It is also important to be aware and mindful of your self-limiting beliefs such how likely are you to self-sabotage and procrastinate on your achieving specific tasks. Being aware of your thoughts and habits can enable to overcome challenges more consistently overtime.

Other goals you can measured is what you are have achieved so far. Remember to celebrate and reward yourself throughout the process no matter how small the achievement is.

Learn to live a lifestyle where you take on responsibility and accountability when it comes to making choices/decisions in actions. For instance, living with no regrets. When you decide not to do something today accept it fully that you will not regret it tomorrow. By doing so you will start to train yourself to maximize your best potential.

1.  8. Choose Income Based Results Tasks – Take a strategic and not operational overview, a 360 degrees angle of your goals/activities. So that you are not fully imbedded in daily operational tasks and are able to complete and achieve strategic income producing tasks. Most people find it a challenge to find a balance between operational and strategic activities. 


1.  When you work smarter you are most likely to produce better outcomes for yourself, in line with your life vision and purpose. You are able to achieve goals within a realistic timeframe with minimal procrastination and self-sabotage tendencies.

2. To end working smarter, can also be beneficial for your overall well-being as it saves you time, energy, improves motivation, self-worth and confidence. 


1. Five Minutes in the Evening: A Journal for Rest and Reflection

2. The 5-Minute Happiness Journal Prompts To Help You Tap Into Joy Every Day: Daily Planner And Scheduling Notebook For Organizing Work, Positivity Journal For Better Mental Wellness

3.  Canvas One Line a Day: A Five-Year Memory Journal Diary

4. Undated Weekly Planner - Arcobis Achieve Goals & Boost Productivity, Happiness& Gratitude Journal Personal Organizer Planner - Daily Weekly Monthly Planner with Notebook, Stickers,Hardcover (Blue)

5. Legend Planner - Deluxe Weekly & Monthly Life Planner to Hit Your Goals & Live Happier. Organizer Notebook & Productivity Journal. A5 Hardcover, Undated - Start Any Time - Purple


1. Find Your Why: A Practical Guide for Discovering Purpose for You

3. For the latest Journals and Planners recommended products Checkout My Amazon Store Here! 

Learn more more about me here 

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