Day 1: Why Is It Important To Operate From A Place of Gratitude As An Entrepreneur? | 21 Day Mindset Challenge | Goal Getters

Gratitude came to mind as the first challenge, as it represents  mindfulness, centered and grounded within oneself; in terms of developing a sense of internal happiness and fulfilment. According to Harvard Education“the word gratitude is derived from the Latin word gratia, which means grace, graciousness, or gratefulness (depending on the context).”

Why is it important to operate from a place of gratitude as an Entrepreneur?

  • It essential to develop with an internal self-awareness core system which consists of being grateful as this will make your entrepreneurship journey easier going forward as result of focusing on essential and necessary personal goods and needs. Rather than being distracted by things which are not of value.

  • It will help you to focus and appreciate what is good in your life and with your world outlook; in terms of taking more control in how you manage your own destiny. 
  • It will help you to feel less pressured by external sources and social influences (i.e. social media). Also to appreciate that materialistic items do not define, who you are as Entrepreneur. On the contrary, what defines is your greater purpose in life including the social and community value you add. 
It is also worth being mindful of external influences such as social media, digital media and your community environment as being the potential key drivers which can lead you to want/need more things. Items which you don't necessary need to make you happy. 

Added social pressures without practice gratitude can lead to you feel unnecessary personal social, cultural and financial pressures; all in the name of  keeping up just for public appears. You will find that when you are not coming from a place of gratitude, you can develop feelings of sadness, depression, envy, jealousy including being self-critical with oneself.

Lessons Learnt About The Importance of Gratitude:

1. When you routinely and consistency practice gratitude, you can achieve much more meaningful outcomes without being distracted by shiny bright objects, the next best opportunity, or the constant need for something new.

2. You connect with something that is greater and beyond you in life’ which comes your heartfelt life purpose which motivates you to contribute to greater good social and community causes. 

3. You compelled to connect for instance with with nature, spirituality, or charitable causes which add more meaning in your life and make you feel happier fulfilled internally. Rather than believing that money or materialistic objects are the key to happiness.

4. You focus more on being intentional with the energy you invest externally. You will also start to value yourself through the acts of self-love, compassion and being purposeful with the intention to achieve greater outcomes. 

5. Gratitude helps you have a balanced solution focused outlook through adversity.  You awaken to the reality of life and its true meaning during times of adversity. 

6. When you come from place of being fulfilled internally, you appreciate what is you is around you and what you already have. You find joy in being present in the now, rather than in the future. 

7. You find happiness in building stronger social and community relationships which are mutually beneficial, supportive and focus on serving similar positive outlooking life purposes..  

8. Last but no least you remain optimistic about the future, regardless of external life challenging circumstances.  


  • What are 5 things are you grateful for today?
  • Note down what you are grateful onto something you can see visually everyday as a reminder. The more you see something visually the likelihood is that it will form it habit. You can note things down in a Journal, Vision Board and Post It Notes
  • You can also continue to add on a daily basis to the list you have.


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