If there is anything that 2020 has shown most of us, so far is that life is too short. I don't know about you, but for me, it has been a sign to continue powering through with fulfilling my Life Vision and Purpose. There is nothing more powerful than a collective and significant change driven by environmental, economical, social and financially challenging circumstances to compel most people to start reevaluating what is most meaningful and valuable in their lives, beyond materialistic and non-essential needs.

Question for you: Would you agree that how you think and feel about yourself determines the successful outcomes you can potentially achieve in life? That we are the makers of our own universal needs, when it to come to mindset matters?

My Lessons Learnt: 
1. Success is a mindset matter and not only quantifiable by money and materialistic objects. Success is also determined by how you define and how you choose to give it meaning. It is based on your internal views and satisfaction levels, which have mostly influenced by external factors (upbringing, community and societal influences).

How you visualise and feel about success, will also depend on your level of gratitude and happiness. For instance, if you come from a place of lack of, there is the possibility that you will never feel complete within. There will always be a void within, which can never be filled or satisfied regardless of how wealth you become.

Consequently, you might experience friction with how you engage with the external world. For instance,
  • If you don't acquire what you desire, you may feel as though the odds are against you; no matter how much you try.
  • You may perceive yourself as a failure.
  • Or you may believe that others are judging you, based on what you have, or don't have in relation to materialistic things. This may leave you feel restless and frustrated mentally.
2. Success is what you make it from within: How you feel about yourself from within is what matters most. It is about making peace with your internal wars and conflict with the external world, especially if this is what you are seeking. To reach a point where you come from a place of fulfilment and gratitude for what you already have. Anything else you obtain after that is an extra bonus.

Codvid-19 has shown as the importance of focusing on necessities in life. 3. Mindset - It is essential for you to start believing with great conviction in your pre-existing abilities, skills, personal qualities and attributes, in order for you to hold onto the faith and believe that you can achieve anything you put your heart and mind to regardless of how long it takes. More importantly, to believe more than ever that it is a survival necessity to believe in fulfilling your Life Vision goals.

You have to hold onto an optimistic outlook, in order to keep your mind positively active and focused on achieving your life goals. This is much better for your well-being, rather than focusing on external national, or global impacts which you cannot control. This will only drain your well-being energy and mental resilience. 4. Develop an abundance, wealth and positive out-looking mindset. It will help you to become more resilient to life challenges. Also help you to focus on implementing realistic and achievable success goals despite all the odds and life challenges. 5. Value your self-worth: When you value your self-worth, you are most likely to become more confident and find it easier to boost your self-esteem. You are most likely as well to feel confident in pursuing new opportunities regardless of how long it takes. You will not buy into the myths of insta fame.

You will also focus on making decisions, which will leave you feeling internally fulfilled rather than more miserable. For instance, choosing the right jobs, or creative entrepreneurship ventures which aligns with your Life Vision, Purpose and Core Values in Life.

According to Brian Tracy  Chairman and C.E.O of Brian Tracy International "it pays off to think, act, walk and talk like a successful person. 

6 Success Tips from Brian Tracy, the following are my key takeaways: 
  • Mental Visualisation - Focusing on mental visualisation routinely about how you think and feel about success. Act and take action in what you visualise yourself becoming.
  • Power of Suggestion and Influence - Feed your mind with positive information. 
  • Law of Attraction - Associate yourself with achievers, people with an optimistic, positive and successful outlook in life. 
  • Develop Successful Habits - through daily repetition and act according to what success looks like and feels like to you. For instance, who do you visualise yourself becoming? Take steps to become the best version you of yourself. 
  • Learn from Proven Systems and Successful People - adapting this practice will make your life and success journey going forward much easier. 
  • Law of Attraction - You will attract new opportunities and people  according to how you feel about yourself. Your thoughts and beliefs form how you engage with the external world. Most of the times it is not the external factors that are the major impediment to achieving success goals, it one's mindset that can be the major obstacle.  
To end, believe you can and you will. There will always be forces of nature or financial challenges, which will from time to time challenge your mental resilience. Developing a success mindset is about equipping you, with the an armour which will help you to persevere through and withstand all the forces which you cannot control. The more you focus on your internal will power, your life vision and purpose the more you are equipped to survive through the worst storms. The more you feel content internally, with less fear of losing everything. You will be at peace with what you already  (abundance and wealth mindset). This is what will help you in in the long term with patience and time to benefit from the financial rewards you seek. 
"Success starts from within.  
Self-esteem requires self-discipline." 
– Brian Tracy


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