Let us explore self-doubt mindset matters. This is especially if you struggle with this self-limiting beliefs as a Creative Entrepreneur. Whether you are just starting out on your creative venture, or you are a preexisting Creative Entrepreneur. This topic matter came to mind, as I have challenged myself recently to climb one of my local seaside and countryside hills, which I have avoided for a reason, ever since being diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in 2016.

For the past fours year, I have been mentally and physically preparing myself to be able to achieve this goal. Mentally, I had developed barriers of self-doubt and limitations in my physical ability, as I did not want to endure excruciating widespread chronic physical pain. As with everything in life, time and patience does eventually pay off.

I am not sure what the aftermath of climbing the will feel like physically. Mentally, I feel sufficiently equipped with confidence to attempt the climb. This is whilst keeping everything in mind that I have learnt through Physiotherapy and Fibromyalgia Group Therapy. For instance, to pace myself, to take it one step at a time and to rest. Including enduring some of the mental and physical pain that comes with living with a chronic pain condition. In my vision, I visualise feeling internal fulfilment (happiness) as a result of reaching the top. I see myself looking down to see my progress and how far I've come.  Will I pay, a painful physically debilitating price? Yes, this is given and definitive. The only thing I do not know is how severe the pain will be. At this stage, my internal fulfillment reward is worth the sacrifice.

Now this brings me to the the topic matter at hand on Self-doubt. My personal story above is just one example of how we can impair, limit and overcome our self-imposed limiting beliefs. These barriers can sometimes be caused due to painful deep seeded past and present wounds. Wounds which  may have left you endless self-doubt and the inability to push yourself beyond it. As a conquense, your mind may have built invisible and imagined mental barriers. This is not to state that what you feel emotionally or physically is not real. 

It is more about how much are you willing to overcome mindset and physical challenges? So that you can start fulfilling in a manageable way, some of the goals, which you desire to accomplish. 

You are not alone, self-doubt is normal and in some cases can be mentally and physically crippling. In my case, it has been both physically and mentally crippling due to my disabling condition and having to learn how to live with chronic pain and other Fibromyalgia symptoms. This is whilst trying to find pleasure and joy in the absurdity and uncertainty of living with a disabling condition.

I have also experienced living with self-doubt of my creative skills. Previously limited myself with invisible barriers due to the fear of lack of acknowledgement. Fear of what others would think such as my family, friends and social community (offline and online). Including the fear of failing, or becoming successful. Living with Fibromyalgia and experiencing of loss of loved ones has contributed to my existential awakening moments and realisations that life is to short to wait for others to approve, validate or accredit you for being you. Also, too short to let self-doubt consume your overall well-being.

1. Self-doubt usually stems from an internal place of self-limiting beliefs, which can be influenced by your upbringing, community and social surroundings. You may, or not be aware of how external factors have greatly influenced most of your life, to the point that it inadvertently prevents you from fully being able to to embrace, who you were truly meant to be.

2. There are certain feelings which come to mind, when I think about self-doubt. Feelings such as insecurity, fear, lack of confidence, the need to seek approval and validation to be you from loved ones, friends and social communities (offline and online).

3. Self-doubt can be influenced by lack of something and an internal void, which has not been filled. Due to for instance, a loved one not validating what they see in you and negating everything that is positive about you. A void whereby they never acknowledged how talented, or creative you are. Instead, they have wished for you to be something else, which internally you know you are not capable of being, because intuitively you are not connected with being something you are not. Reason being, it's not you, nor is it your intended purpose and vision in life. You would only be living a false sense of reality and fulfilling someone else's vision. 

4. As part of your self-doubt process, you may also feel as though your creativity is not great, it's not perfect as it should be. This then may lead you to fear rejection. You will then fear showing your creative side and hold back from releasing your masterpiece. As a result you never maximise on your creativity due to fear of rejection.

5. There is also the additional fear factor of wanting to ease self-doubt through the validation from external influences - for instance your social media audience. If you don't obtain the self-validation and expected likes from strangers, then your self-doubt becomes worse and you feel as though, you are not great and self-doubt starts to creep in again. Thereby, disabling you from being able to fully embrace what you love doing most.  


1. Acknowledge your self-doubt for what it is. Write down all your self-doubt thoughts including what you fear most. So that you can see it on paper, more than just feeling it.

2. Ask yourself challenging questions based on your written list, what is the worst thing that could happen if you lived your life according to your life vision and true life purpose? Challenge yourself to start changing your negative list into positives. Start to own those your positive thoughts as valid and start taking action. 

What you see as your best self is the ultimate goal to start walking towards. This is where you will start to feel more internal happiness and fulfillment, regardless of external challenges and influences. 

Dare to not be "what's expected from you from others, date to be you. 

3. Feel your self-doubt and do it anyway for tomorrow is not promised. The more you push yourself beyond your comfort zone, the more more discomfort you will feel at first. It will feel like the floor may just open up and swallow you entirely. Trust me on this, the more you confront the self-doubt you feel, the more you begin to ease the internal burden of not being yourself.

Most of us, do not want to go beyond the zone of comfort, for this is a familiar zone to be in. Yet, you may continue to live with the burden and existential crisis of not feeling internally fulfilled. 
4. Learn to live with being uncomfortable this is best zone to be in, this means that you are living your best life through your life vision; even if it does not feel like it. Looking back you will see the progress you have made. Overtime, your self-confidence will increasingly grow. You will feel it and see if through the creative work you produce.

If you don't start today, when will you ever start?
 There will never be the right time. 

5. Don't wait to be validated by externally people (no matter who they are). Learn to start letting go off the self-limiting beliefs and self-doubt, which is based on what you think, or feel others may think and believe of you. You are just mirroring what is internally within you. Somethings which you haven't been able to let go off, which you may have heard being said to you. Including the feeling of you may disappoint some people if you decide to start living your best life.

If if you have heard, will hear some things being said to you, learn through to self-development (continuous personal growth) to accept others perceptions and views as theirs and not as true facts about you. You are the only person in this world who knows themselves better than anyone else.

You do not have to work this journey alone. You can overcome some of your self-limiting beliefs through continuous self-development.

  • Seeking Mentorship, Coaching or Psychotherapy; talking cures which will challenge you to learn how to overcome self-doubt and self-sabotage mindset challenges. 
  • it helps to limit negative influences in your life by surrounding yourself more with positive outlooking influences. You have a choice in what you decide to consume and for how long, the more you consume negative information the more you are likely to feel worse. 

6. Put your creative skills to practice by sharing your masterpiece, even if its not perfect or a masterpiece, learn to let go. Start building your mental resilience by connecting more and more with your life vision, purpose as the sole focus of why you create. This will enable you to start becoming more fearless and less impacted by external influences. You will eventually start to connect with like-minded people who resonate with your creativity.

7. EXTRA BONUS TIP: The small steps you make daily count and matter. Celebrate your small wins and they will add to something greater looking back on all your achievements.

Not everyone will happy for you and that is okay too. As it is not your responsibility to make everyone happy. It is to focus on you, self-love, fulfilling your life purpose and vision, and contributing to adding social value. 

Your life vision and purpose gives you permission to unapologetically be you.
7. Acknowledge your gifts, gi  ven creative skills and talents for what they are. There is nothing wrong with recognising your key strengths and skills. It is not boasting, as we  have been gifted with key strengths which are intended for a purpose and to add meaningful value in lifetime. You do not need to have all answers about your creative venture going forward. Neither, do you need to fully understand where your creative venture will end up. Embrace, the path of your creative journey day by day, by implementing small small achievable and realistic goals everyday. 

You only live once, your imperfections are what make you perfect and uniquely you. 

When you allow yourself to live through self-doubt, you allow yourself the opportunity to start living life according to your own terms.

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