During times of significant change, such as the current Coronavirus Pandemic it can be challenging understandably to remain motivated. As part of Motivational Monday's, I wanted to share with you some tips which can potentially help you to remain motivated and inspired, even if it's not daily. 

It is understandable during periods of drastic change to feel lost, stuck and disconnected from your Life Vision and Purpose. Also, to feel as though what you once you knew no longer makes sense. It can also be much harder to adjust when your financial livelihood has been taken away. 

I have been there when I had to give up my job and financial stability, due to developing long term illness and developing a Chronic Illness known as Fibromyalgia in 2016. Everything seemed to happen at once, the world I once knew didn't make any sense. It seemed at the time as though; I went from feeling very well to feeling critically unwell overnight. To losing my job, social and professional networks, which I enjoyed. I was housebound for the most part the first year of my diagnosis, due to challenges of dealing with a chronic illness. 

Coincidentally, I feel as though with the current pandemic that I have been preparing for it physically and mentally for the past several years. Social isolation is not a new experience for me, due to my social and professional lifestyle changed drastically years ago. I have become accustomed to working and socially online, in order to manage my condition more effectively. The only difference, now I feel as though, the whole world is on some level sharing in the social isolation experience. There are many more people who have suffered from chronic illnesses who might relate.

Therefore, in this blog post, I wanted to share with you as part of Motivational Monday's some motivational tips to help you maintain some form of motivation and inspiration, to help you to persevere through the current challenge we are all confronted with at the moment. 


I have found over the years that small physical and mental daily acts can make a difference in how you feel within yourself mentally and physically. Small acts can also change how your day is going to turn out. If you are a Creative Entrepreneur and Digital Nomad, like I am that is seeking to maintain your Life Vision Goals, the following tips may help you. Especially, if you are feeling stuck and less motivated, inspired now. 

1. Start your day off with making your bed. Making your bed psychological shifts something in your mindset. It opens you up to the possibility of your day starting out well. For instance, after making your bed, your mind can become more awoken to the fact that there are things in your home that need tidying or cleaning. 

2. Turn on Motivational and Inspirational Podcasts or Videos to listen to. Avoid at all costs listening to News first thing in the morning. Trust me you wouldn't have missed much, as news repeats during throughout the day. If you listen to news first thing in the morning or when you wake up, it could potentially impact your mood negatively for the rest of the day. 

It is not that you care less, it is more about looking after your well-being. When you start off with positive encouraging information, it prepares your mind to look at the world in a different way. To appreciate with gratitude what you already have, and to feel less affected emotionally or overly consumed by fear, uncertainty about what's going on in the world.

You start to focus on solutions, rather than mostly focusing on the problems. 

3. Journaling in your diary: Can help you to go through a cathartic experience, where you are able to let go off repressed emotions which you may have been holding onto. You can potentially different a different perspective on how to move forward, with challenges you are being confronted by. 

4. Embrace Creative Leisurely Activities: Rather than thinking about exercise, try embracing leisurely activities you enjoy most. The word exercise and the act can make it seem as though it's something you must force yourself to do every day. If you are not able to do it, you might feel as though you are failing. 

During this period, it's helpful to embrace activities you enjoy the most to keep you mentally and physically stimulated in a positive way. Activities, which you do not have to give much thought to. 

For instance, physical activities such as dancing, mindfulness and yoga can shift your mood, into a more positive and reflective mood. Including non-active fun activities, such as talking to friends and family, being on Tiktok. If you are able to go for a walk, or soaking in natural Vitamin D and sunlight can help. 

5. Change of Clothes and Personal Care: Most of us during this period will spend most of our time wearing Pajamas, or casual clothes day in/day out. A change of routine such as attending to your personal care, self-pampering treats and changing your clothes can make a different and shift your mood. 

6. CREATIVE SPACE: Focus on what you already have created in the past and invest time in refining your documents, guidance templates, videos and Social Media Content. You never know what difference that make. This may help you to feel less overwhelmed by having to feel as though have to be very productive. 

Spend some days in Online Community Groups, social listening to issues some of your peers might be experiencing. Do you have a pre-existing solution that you can offer to their problem? Or can you create new content which can help them? 

This is also the best time to test your new projects, new launches by offering FREE Services, in return for feedback from your pre-existing clients or online community groups which you belong to. 


If you are not feeling motivated or inspired during this period, that is okay as well. Take each day as it come. Embrace the emotionally challenging moments and accept them as passing moments, which will soon pass. It is okay to take time out to re-evaluate your life and how you want to progress forward. It is also okay to feel emotional and to cry, embrace those moments as part of a soul cleansing experience. 

When you acknowledge what is happening to you, the better. It makes it easier to overcome, just as long as you do not dwell in the downturn moments for too long. Reach out and talk to those close to you, who you feel will listen and not judge. Talking and laughter are good cures.

Lastly, embrace feel good factors things, including nutrition, which will help you to boost and protect your immune system. Avoid and minimise stress at all cost, in order to help maintain your well-being.

If you are need more support and are looking for ways to remain motivated, try out the following challenges


Do feel free to leave your views and feedback below in the comments section. I am interested in knowing more about how you are managing during this current challenging time. 


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