#Coronavirus: How To Respond To Life Challenging Events!


This post was prompted by current life changing and challenging events of the coronavirus pandemic which is adversely impacting us all globally. This is the first time that most of us are experiencing a pandemic such as this one, which has resulted in significantly impacting human lives (including significant unexpected tragic loss. It has results governments having to implement social-isolation, physical distancing measures and closure of most non-essential businesses and services. Sadly, this is not the first, or last global pandemic, which human beings will ever experience. As scary as it may seem this pandemic is showing us what could potentially happen again in the near future, if we choose not to fully awaken the lessons' it's showing us. 

The coronavirus pandemic has inflicted existential crisis and forced most of us, to start reflecting on a much deeper level about life, its meaning, purpose and the inevitability of our own death. For us to involuntary take a pause on everything that seems normal, usual and daily routines including the ease of being able to travel anyone in the world. 

Through the experience of social distancing, I hope you are starting to have your own awakening moments of things which you may not have had the time to ever thing about, due to being too busy. 

Although this current Coronavirus is very complex and challenging itself, there is always going to be two choices we are confronted by when it comes to our own mortality. 

1. To seize the day by choosing to focus on optimistic outlook, during times of adversity.
2. To resign to the life challenging event and be consumed by it. Leaving without the ability to be able to move forward.

Is it a given that the future is unknown, therefore the dilemma becomes whether you wait for the future to happen, or whether you start to embrace your current circumstance in a different way?

There is no right, or wrong way in terms of how you choose to embrace complex life challenges. It all comes down to, after you have made your choice, whether you can live with it daily. In terms of internal fulfillment and level of happiness and satisfaction.

If it is what you have chosen to take action on is not serving you well, in terms of your overall well-being, it is about finding ways which will help to have more of a positive and optimistic outlook in life.

Lessons learnt:
1.      A positive and optimistic outlook in life, doesn’t mean that you have to be fully happy and neglect what is happening. It just means that you are still hanging onto hope, your life vision and passion.

2.   It may feel as though most things are being taken away from you right now. What if you were to look at it from another perspective and focus on what you already have right now?

§  What sort of things are you grateful for, including the people in your life?

§  What is within your control that you can start to focus on so that you can continue to feed yourself good and nourishing things which will help you daily to continue putting one step forward?

§  What sort of things have you always wanted to do, but were not able to do due to being caught in the hustle of daily living and routine? Could you start to creatively focus on achieving those goals daily, in order to fill up your time with positively constructive things to do?

There is also no weakness in being honest, whether you finding the pandemic challenging experience challenging. Being honest leads to personal growth and development.

1.      Is there someone you can talk to and reach out to? This includes friends, family and your local online community support facilities. Individuals that who will listen and not judge.

2.     Is there a community of people you can connect with online, who you can lessons with; in terms of recognizing what is and positive ways to mutually help each other to overcome similar challenges you are being confronted by?

3.     Could daily journaling help as part of healing experience? Including well-being activities such as Mindfulness Meditation or your favorite exercise routines.

You do not have to be a one-hundred percent happy, it is more about being aware of what is happening, acknowledging your feelings and response, and then learning how to navigate through what you are experiencing so that you can eventually overcome your experience.  

One thing that is certain is that the future is unknown and beyond our control. What you have control of is the now and today.

How will you maximize on each, so that you have still have control and will power to steer your own life forward?

1.      What have been your lessons learnt so far?
2.     What are you doing to remain optimistic during this challenging and complex period?

Many Thanks to all the Health Heroes and Frontline Workers involved in directly providing essential services to the public. We will forever be indebted to you. #stayhomesavelives


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