This past week, I was listening to the podcast, “Diary of aC.E.O,” podcast by Steven Bartett and interview with Nir Eyal, an Israeli-born American author, lecturer and investor, who wrote “Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products.” What stood out most to me from the podcast were the words Traction versus Distraction. If you notice both words end with the word ACTION.

According to Nir Eyal, "Traction is any action that pulls you towards what you want to do, things that you do with intent. The opposite of traction is distraction, anything that pulls you away from what you do, things that you don't plan to do with intent."

What I took away from the podcast was the importance and necessity of embracing lifestyle activities, which enable us to build traction going forward. Lifestyle and professional activities which enable you to feel good and better in life. Activities which are more aligned with your core life vision, purpose and values, including your embracing more of your creativity. So that you are able to continuously and easily build traction which helps improve the quality of your lifestyle. 

Based on my own personal life experiences, I chosen to focus on the following three areas below in relation to this topic matter on "Building Traction Not Distraction;" 
  1. The importance of story telling.
  2. Why it is essential to tap more into things thing you enjoy doing most in life. 
  3. The reason why it is essential to focus on doing what feels good and comes easily/naturally to you.

  1. 1. The Importance of Story Telling: As we are getting closer to the yet another end of a  festive holiday season and nearly the end of 2019, I am reminded of the true importance and value of being surrounded by family and close family friends. Including the importance of remaining connected to my true core values and family cultural background.
 I also am reminded of the value in storytelling and how it can helps us to build traction going forward. I often reminisce about my grandma (who is of Mozambican and Malawian origin) and all the stories she used share with me about her personal life stories and journeys. Including all the struggles her and my grandpa had overcome in order to get to where they were in life. Her stories have not only empowered me, but also enabled me to remain grounded (truly gratefully) of all the sacrifices they both made to help better the lives of their children and grand children.  

Story telling helps us remain interconnected for generations to come. The more you are able to connect who you are and your background, the much more easier it is to build traction going forward. This is especially, if you have hung onto to appreciating the true value of gratitude and lessons learnt. 
When you do, it helps you when, remain authentic, connected to life purpose and visions; so that regardless of what is going in your life you next take for granted the opportunities presented before you or become complacent in life as a result of becoming successful. 

Sharing some aspects of your person story, also enables to you connect more with like-minded individuals and prospective clients, who resonate with your person journey; including you have overcome. Your personal background and core value is what will help you ultimately to remain grounded through all the currents ever changing storms of life. Our personal history and background, no matter how challenging; is what can potentially make or break you, all dependent on the path you choose to take; distraction or traction.

When we get caught up in being “human doings,” rather than being “human being,” it is so easy to lose sense of self, especially with the societal pressures that come with becoming success in life and business. It is so easy to get caught up in the latest trends, social and media trends, success and personal challenges, to the point of losing oneself.

With traction, it means that you are willing to embrace all your past history and willing to embrace lessons learnt, so that you can grow through your life experiences. You take ownership and accountability of your life lessons learn and choices you make going forward; without blaming anyone. With distraction, you are mostly likely to place barriers in your way, as result of choosing not to explore and challenge some of your self-limiting beliefs; including being open to  learning how to overcome childhood challenges. You may experience self-sabotage moments, whereby you impede on your own success outcomes, due to fear of the unknown and what you could potentially become.

Why its essential to be connected to who you are, your true core values and where you come from? When hardships or successes show up in your life; you will continue to build traction going forward, whilst keeping in mind your life and cultural values. 

Sharing your story can be mutually beneficially and rewarding, when it comes to connecting with like-minded individuals who resonate with your story. Also in helping your prospective clients learn more about;

1.       Who you are as individual, your Life Vision and Purpose.
2.      Your core cultural values
3.      The reason behind your personal drive and motivation, which inspire you to want to help and add value.
4.      It also enables you to build an authentic and humanistic relationship.

It can be easy to forget who you are and where you came from, as an Entrepreneur, due to distracted by social and economic pressures including the desire to gain instantaneous success. This can only result in distraction, as you lose your core sense of self and true values which are intended to ground you, to be grounded and remain focused on your true life purpose and vision. Let's not forget your person life story and family history.

2. Tapping into things thing you enjoy doing most – It is important to tap into things you enjoy doing most on a consistent basis, so that you continue to easily build traction going forward, which enables you to achieve outcome focused and actionable goals, which you truly connected to.

As we grow into adulthood, it becomes easier to neglect things we enjoy most including lifestyle hobbies and passions. Most of us start intellectualizing life choices, rather than remaining deeply connected and disregard our creativity along the way. Believe it or not, your life passions and creativity are your golden ticket, to actualizing your greatest successful outcomes in life.

You don't have to become an Entrepreneur in order to do things you enjoy most. Not everyone is cut out to become an Entrepreneur. You can still rightly be an intrapreneur in full-time employment, an curve out a career path you enjoy most. Where you are able to focus on doing things and being involved in project you enjoy doing the most. Where your talents and skills are able to shine. So that you remain connected to your true life purpose, passions and visions as opposed to hating your work-life lifestyle. When you diminish all options of doing what you love most, you only end up in a self-imposed   and lifetime prison. 

In terms of lifestyle hobbies it also helps to remain connected to physical and mental activities you enjoyed as child. Activities which you can do easily, which challenge you and make you happier as a result of participating. When you start to look at leisurely activities as exercise, it can instantly become boring, or be seen as a self-imposed punishment activity which you don't enjoy doing. Doing something you enjoy helps you to build consistent action and to achieve greater goals, which then ultimately make you happier and less stressed. 

You want to tap into thing you enjoy most;
  • It lowers stress levels, improves emotional and physical well-being. The best part of it all it increases internal happiness.
  • Helps you to remain connected to your creative side. Whereby, you are able to easily access new ideas, which flow naturally. Rather than doing nothing physically, you will find that it becomes easier for your mind to run out steam and creativity thoughts. 
3. Doing things which feel good and come easily to you – Embrace your existing personal skills, characteristic traits which come more easily to you, rather than building a self-distractive course in life, which impedes on you being able to build positive and actionable traction going forward.

You will find that the more you embrace things which come easily to you to do, that you are most likely to achieve more outcomes. Become more fearless in taking action. You will feel confident in realizing that not every lifestyle business opportunity, or venture has to be your next best venture which you have to take on. You will remain super focused on your life vision and mission, due to be truly connected to who you truly are. Also being in tune with what defines you as a person, as a your core cultural and traditional values.

Lastly, being able to build traction, doesn’t mean that you won’t be personally challenged, or experience numerous life obstacles. It just means you are willing to take more risks, in knowing that it is more worthwhile investing in building traction as opposed to procrastinating or  being distracted. There is freedom, and free will and a powerful forces that comes with truly connected with who you are in life.

To end, when you choose the path of traction taking into consideration the following; the importance of story telling, tapping into things thing you enjoy doing most, doing what feels good and comes easily to you. You ultimately become stoppable and your own best competitor.

What will you choose, Traction or Distraction going forward?

If you need support or help, in building traction and momentum, which will enable you to achieve greater Lifestyle Business (Online Business) outcomes CLICK HERE!  When you register for my“Start With Your Life Vision.”  Online Course, you will have the opportunity to be Mentored by me and to become part of Inner Circle Mastermind Facebook Group. You will also receive peer support, to enable you to see through your goals. Being part of mastermind group enables you to become more accountable to yourself and your life goals, as opposed to working independently. 

