Or is it

This Youtube Topic was inspired via Social Listening on one of Gary Vee's Instagram Post. This is one of the ways, I am usually inspired to create new content. 

What is Social Listening and how can it help you as a Brand Personality (Entrepreneur) and Business Owner? According to Brand24, "Social listening is the practice of monitoring public online conversations to access key insights about your brand, your industry, your competitors… or any other topics that may be of interest to your business." - Brand24

This is what motivated me to write about this topic, as it relates to similar topics, I often talk about when it comes to Lifestyle Business, Social Media Marketing and Entrepreneurship Mindset. Believe it or not, I only discovered what YOLO, truly means yesterday. Or I possibly blocked it out of my mind and thought it only pertained to a Snapchat App. and some for Millenial slang code. Which in my case, I didn't give a second thought to decipher. Wikipedia defines, YOLO as the acronym of the phrase "you only live once". Along the same lines as the Latin "carpe diem" ("seize the day"), it is a call to live life to its fullest extent, even embracing behaviour which carries an inherent risk. It became a popular internet slang term in 2012."

When it comes to seizing the day, Carpe Diem, what are your thoughts? 

  1. Short Term & Instantaneous Rewards: Do you believe in living life as through materialistic gains? For instance, do you find it more valuable to possess the latest trends (cars, shoes, clothes, etc..); "The Insta Life and Fame." Is this where you find your source of happiness and success? 
  2. Long Term Rewards and Gratification: Do you appreciate life more through your Life Vision, in understanding that it takes time and effort to become successful? You are in it for the long term, to add value and contribute to greater causes?
We are living in an era in which it has become more socially acceptable and easy to buy into short term rewards, insta-fame. This view is not only limited to young people (Generation Z or Millenials) it supersedes this and is impacting older generations too. 

It is technology and Social Media Platforms to blame, including the trend of influencers? 

I believe there is something lacking socially avoid, where technology has accelerated at a faster pace than the human mind psychologically. Most people were not prepared for it including schools, universities and workplaces. This is the reason it has been easy to buy unto modern concepts of YOLO.  

Moreover, as a result of technology human being have become impatient, whilst forgetting that emotional intelligence still plays a big role in development. Technology might be able to speed things up, including being able to connect at a global, thereby increasing mote opportunities for recognition. 

Regardless at the end of the day, how you interpret "YOLO," can vary. It can either have a positive emotional impact by propelling you to start fulfilling your life vision now rather than later in life. Or may motivate you to take more financial and materialistic risks with the hope of being able to gain immediate results. 

Whichever way you approach life, "You Only Die Once," and are chasing something which makes you internally happier? 

In terms of YOLO Motto, you will notice a few errors during my Live Video Recording, such as the following;

1. Technical and sound issues, which could have motivated me to delete the entire video and to start all over again.

2. My mistakes and errors 
  • I forgot to do an introduction at the beginning of my video and to recommend to Instagram viewers to turn their phones around from Portrait to Landscape.
  • I got lost my train of thought when the viewer joined my Live Session on Youtube. 
  • I forgot to look at my prompter notes which I had prepared beforehand as both live sessions started.
  • My topic session didn't go as planned. 
  • I was stuck or forgot words at times; this has become my new normal of living with Fibromyalgia. You may have heard words like, "Umm, So ...." numerous times.
  • Sometimes it takes me frustratingly longer than planned to hop onto a live session and to get started. This due to feeling like, I am not ready yet. I end up procrastinating and doing things in the background knowingly to delay pressing the "START BUTTON."
Moral of the story, all the above could have been my limiting factors. They could limit me from recording live videos or from publishing this blog. If I ended up critiquing every one of my videos and written content, I would never have uploaded or published any content.  I would continue to worry about what people (you) thought. 

One of my motivating factors is knowing that "I will only die once." I also have a grander purpose which is beyond my self-limiting factors which propel me to keep moving forward regardless. 

If you are in the position in which you are seeking to actualise more of your greatest and to live more of a freer lifestyle. You have to be willing to take the uncomfortable leap into the unknown in order to connect with your true sense and to start actualising your life vision now rather than later. 

Ask yourself this, what is the worst thing that could happen? Would it be better to have embraced your life vision or to live with knowing that you haven't? 

Afterall "You Only Live Once, and Die Once"

 Learn more about my "Start With Your Life Vision" Online Business Mentorship Course here if you are looking for more support including accountability to see through your goals. 

