The following are key motivating factors which could potentially enable you to continue to consistently show up on Social Media.

1. Intention & Purpose if in doubt and when you feel like giving up on your Online Business it helps to revert back to your initial intention and motivating factor. If your motivating factor s bigger than your reason to give up, you will continue to show up.

If you are not clear on your grander reason why beyond money, it helps to invest time in this area with the right Mentorship and Coaching Support if required. You will save significant costs, such as time and financial commitments by focusing on the right path.
2. Consistency in content creation how often are creating content? Is it on a consistent basis? How long have you been posting for? Has sufficient time passed to enable you to review what's been working well and not working?

These are just some questions to consider. If you are not being consistent with your actions, then the success results you are seeking could potentially become harder to obtain.

Be willing and open to ask yourself challenging questions, which enable you to stop making excuses about the reasons why you are not seeing results. This will only help you in improving your performance.
3. How long have you been showing up? Time and patience will pay off in the end. This is especially if you are not looking for immediate gains and financial rewards. This will draw you away from refining your skills and in providing genuine value for your clients.
4. What else could you do? If what you are doing now is not working, what else could you be doing to get closer to accomplishing your goals? Are you challenging yourself according to what you see in your Life Vision? Or avoiding somethings because they seem too scary to achieve?

Your vision and gut intuition will direct towards the goals you are intended to accomplish. If you feel you cant achieve those goals alone reach out to an appropriate specialist Mentor or Coach to assist you.
5. Analytics and Paid Ads its pay to pay attention to your data on all Social Media Platforms so that you can tweak and change your content according to your clients and prospective clients needs.

You may also want to invest in Paid Ads occasionally if you do not have a Marketing Budget to invest regularly so that you can create more targeted Ads to help you content with your ideal clients.

Keep in mind that you will need a Sales Funnel in place to follow up on prospective clients who have opted into your offers.

To end your views and feedback is always appreciated. I am keen to know your thoughts about;

1. How you are progressing with Social Media for your business?

2. Are there any current challenges you are experiencing?

You can also connect with me via Facebook or Instagram

