“Will Robots Take My Job?” Discover the 10 Jobs Artificial Intelligence Will Replace (and 10 That Are Safe)

An article written by BBC in 2017 reported that 800 million global workers will lose their jobs by 2030 and be replaced by robotic automation. A research study by McKinsey Global Institute of 46 countries and 800 occupations found that up to one-fifth of the global workforce will be affected. It said one-third of the workforce in richer nations like Germany and the US may need to retrain for other jobs
There is no doubt that Artificial Intelligence (AI) is increasingly taking over most aspects of our daily personal and work lifestyles. According to Hubspot, there is an increasing number of people, asking if their jobs will be safe in the near future. To help address questions there is now a website called “Will Robots Take My Job?”

  1. Should you be concerned about the safety of your job and current specialist area?
  2. Or could AI make you better at our job and make your life easier?
  3. Could you gain empower you to gain Entrepreneurship skills?
  4. What should you consider for your current role and future job prospects? Will you be able to compete as job begin to become adjusted to fit technology advancements?
  5. Should we be more mindful of the fast rate at which AI is advancing and its potential impact on society/economy?
In the past, the fear of job losses was mainly over jobs related to industrial and factory related jobs. As technology advances at a faster rate, the jobs most of us least expected to be under AI treat are becoming a reality. As it stands now no industry is entirely safe from being infiltrated by AI Technology advancement.
Case in example, AI is also doing much better with some Sales and Marketing Jobs as well for instance; AI can analyze sales calls far faster than any sales manager could -- in fact, it would take nine years of nonstop sales call analysis for a human being to compete, and that’s if they didn’t take vacation or sleep. And AI is already being used to develop marketers’ content strategies and email marketing playbooks -- it’s only a matter of time before it plays a bigger role in the process.” – Hubspot
Marketing Managers only have a 1.4% chance of their jobs being automated, or replaced by robots and artificial intelligence. Whilst writing has only a 3.8% chance of being automated.
The following list of jobs AI can and can't replace is based on advice from experts, stats from the “Will Robots Take My Job website and other research completed by HubSpotThe summary is based on the likely probability that a job will be replaced by automation and computerization -- based primarily on the level of routine a job has and the specialized training and social intelligence required to complete it. It’s not an exhaustive list, but it gives you an idea of what your life could look like in a few years.
10 Jobs AI Can Replace

  1. Telemarketing (Score: 99%, decline by 3% by 2024)
  2. Bookkeeping Clerks (Score: 98%, decline by 8% by 2024)
  3. Compensation and Benefits Managers(Score: 96%, increase by 7% by 2024).
  4. Receptionists- (Score: 96%)
  5. Couriers and Delivery Jobs (Score: 94%, increase by 5% by 2024).
  6. Proofreaders Score: 84%
  7. Computer Support Specialists (65%, growth by 12% by 2024)
  8. Market Research Analysts ( Score: 61%)
  9. Advertising Salespeople (Score: 54%, 3% decline)
  10. Retail Salespeople (Score: 92%)

From what it appears is that AI will most likely replace jobs:
  • Which don't require a high level of social, a high level of social, or emotional, intelligence to be successful such as Telemarketing.
  • Easier to manage and faster to complete with technology, including Digital How-to Guides and Proofreading Apps.
  • Whereby, customers are also unlikely to buy from that person such a telemarketer. Conversion rates for direct telephone sales are typically less than 10%, making this role a ripe opportunity to be automated.
  • Can be easily automated with Apps such as Bookkeeping Apps (QuickBooks, FreshBooks, and Microsoft Office). More affordable to automate than pay a full-time salary. 
  • Replaced by automation, as companies grow in size – a human-based system represents more risk, time delays and costs such as Compensation and Benefits Manager jobs.
  • The modern buyer is much more internet-savvy and more likely to do internet research and make a buying decision on their own.
  • Receptionist, Carrier and Delivery Jobs replaced by automated phone and scheduling systems, drones and robots. Computer Support Jobs, replaced by Bots and automation to answer support questions from employees and customers
  • Market Research replaced by Automated AI and Surveys to compile information more easily. While Advertising is shifting away from print and TV and towards web and social media landscapesSocial Media Platforms are making it easy for people to buy space through free application program interfaces (APIs) and self-serve AD Marketplaces to remove the salesperson and make it faster and easier for users to make money.
10 Jobs AI Can't Replace

  1. Human Resource Managers ( Score 0.55%, to grow by 9% by 2024)
  2. Sales Managers (Score 1.3%)
  3. Marketing Managers (Score 1.4%)
  4. Public Relations Managers (Score 1.5%, expected to grow 7% by 2024)
  5. Chief Executives (Score 1.5%)
  6. Event Planners ( Score 3.7%)
  7. Writers (Score 3.8%)
  8. Software Developers (Score 4.2%, expected to grow by 19% by 2024)
  9. Editors (Score: 5.5%)
  10. Graphic Designers (Score 8.2%)

More examples of job roles AI can't replace:
  • Roles which require a high level of emotional intelligence, for instance, to hit sales quotas each month, to analyze data, interpret trends, to create content, network and collaborate with customers, and motivate and encourage larger sales team.
  • Jobs which require high levels of intelligence, plus the constant need to adapt to new situations -- makes these roles safe from automation. Including being able to quickly adapt and respond to changes and feedback from the rest of the company and customers.
  • Jobs which require planning to coordinate and negotiate with vendors, contractors, and freelancers to make things come together, and the organizational and people skills involved will make this another near-impossible role to automate.
  • Where you have to ideate, create, and produce original written material. For instance, Blog posts, books, movies, and plays will likely be written by humans for the foreseeable future.
  • Jobs which require time and skill investment needed to create applications, software, and websites will be difficult to replicate -- especially since developers need to execute perfectly to create great products for customers.
  • Writers jobs and Design Editor jobs will be secure as they require human clarity, accuracy, comprehensiveness, and creative originality. For instance, Graphic design is both artistic and technical.
AI is most unlikely to replace jobs which require human beings to manage interpersonal relationships with staff (i.e. resolving conflict), inclusive of leadership and management roles. It's nearly impossible to automate leadership and hard enough to teach it. Chief executives have to inform broad strategy, represent companies' missions and objectives, and motivate huge teams of people working for them. Companies may answer to stakeholders and boards of directors, who likely wouldn't want a robot giving them an earnings report, either.
Lastly, AI will not be able to easily replace human emotions and behaviours that customers and audiences identify with. Some customers will continue to prefer to talk to human customer service reps over bots when they have a problem. AI might not easily replace a creative role or service that requires employees to think outside the box or try something that hasn't been done yet.
According to Mike Lieberman, CEO and Chief Revenue Scientists at Square 2, "AI will supplement the advice, guidance, and recommendations from marketing agencies. As an example, today consultants help companies know what to do, when to do it and how to do it but soon AI-powered insights and recommendations software will give marketers their to-do list and that list is prioritized based on their specific goals," he explains. "This application is going to help them improve program performance every single day."
As for jobs which AI can't replace Kate O'Neill, author of Tech Humanist and Founder of KO Insights. "Explains that jobs which require emotional intelligence will be safer in the immediate future. “AI can't do well is use emotional intelligence, understand the situational context, make judgment calls, and generally see nuance and meaning as we do. Machines will become increasingly more sophisticated and will be able to distinguish between, say, happy and sad occasions for people, or interacting with children or adults, or what tone to use in what message, and so on. And those examples are just the tip of the iceberg."
Should you hit the panic button yet about losing potentially losing your job to robots? Will AI will allow humans to spend more time on work they're passionate about rather than time-consuming tasks?
The lesson here is not to remain complacent in believing that your job is for life. The best way to minimise the risk of the robots taking over your job is to determine the skills and traits that are irreplaceable, hone in on them, and improve upon them whenever you can.
To end, the most potential high risk AI to pay the most attention is technology, which may attempt to replicate human emotional intelligence to some level. Not the type of AI that reduces mundane and arduous tasks. This is something that Elon Musk also referred to. While Sir Richard Brunson, recommended for employers to not to neglect the human intellect over AI. To support and encourage innovative entrepreneurship development and skills from employees. Future consideration for business owners is to create more meaningful work for humans while also helping make machines more capable of offering contextually appropriate interactions.
You can look up your job title and see its likelihood of it being taken over A.I. “Will Robots Take My Job

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Edited Sources:

Revealed: The Secrets our Clients Used to Earn $3 Billion #artificialintelligence #marketing #business #AI
